To advertise my blog I have used three techniques. They are through Print, Email and Video. The whole purpose of this summary is to give new employees glimpse into what it would be like working for Storm Trooper research. Below I will write information on the three techniques and why I chose them.
Advertisement through a Printed flyer

Here is the flyer I created using Microsoft Publisher;
As you can see, I chose to lay out the flyer so that I got the most important information out first.
Advertising through email, is one of the easiest ways to advertise. A huge majority of people use email every day and if sent out to the right people, it means it may spread further than just your own contacts.
Here is the email flyer I created using Microsoft Publisher;
I used a similar design for my email flyer. I changed a few colours and moved the images around, but I believe it has resulted in a positive outcome. It is eye catching and I think worth a read. I included a screenshot of an article off of the blog itself so they have to visit the blog for more information.
Advertisement through the use of Video
Advertisement through the use of Video
My final advertisement strategy was through the use of video. In my video I included pretty much the same information as I did in the previous two. I also added music and a few visual effects to make it more interesting.
Here is my video is created using Windows Movie Maker;
I made sure I introduced myself and my role in the company and later on in the video gave the audience a link to the blog itself.
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